Freswick Castle has been a wonderful haven for visitors over many years - a place of healing, refreshment and inspiration. We are working hard to restore this vision and purpose for the future! In the meantime, please bear with us as we try to negotiate our way through complex legislation for the hospitality industry and continuing uncertainties for 2021.
The normal 'mix and match' of visitors at Freswick, where we have single people, a couple, a few friends from different places, all staying together is not really possible at the moment and may not be for this year.
The current rules in Scotland are that no guest can stay overnight (in the Bungalow or the Castle) until April 26th at the earliest.
We are waiting till that date before we assess our plans for the summer, because there may be further easing then or in the middle of May.
Our likely strategy is to rent out the Castle for self-contained house parties only between June and September. Because of the heightened cleaning regime and the normal costs of running the Castle, it is not cost-effective to allow single guests or very small groups of two and three to stay on their own. As for the Bungalow, for health reasons, this venue will be off-limits for the foreseeable future.
We will produce a clearer statement of policy before the end of May, but to summarise:
We are very keen for larger self-contained house parties to book the Castle for a week (or a minimum of 3 days) in June, July, August and September. We plan to advertise this availability through AirBnb and other outlets. It is likely that from early June, three separate households will be able to share self-catering accommodation, but we are keen to keep these bookings to families or self-contained groups of friends. We will not be randomly 'mixing and matching', as we have done in the past. So please organise a group to book! Otherwise, bear with us patiently. We hope to back to normal in 2022.
For further information, please email: here